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A+U 568 18:01: Recent Projects

A+U 568 18:01: Recent Projects

A+U 568 18:01: Recent Projects


Book ID: S00817

In this issue, a remarkable array of recently completed projects designed by top architecture firms. Covering all kinds of scales and typologies, these 23 buildings reflect the current trends and intriguing approaches found in architecture today. From eye-catching buildings like Heatherwick Studio’s Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa, a massive grain silo conversion in Cape Town, and the Louvre Abu Dhabi by Ateliers Jean Nouveau, to the modest Hastings Pier Regeneration by dRMM Architects, Peter Zumthor’s sober design for Allmannajuvet Zinc Mine Museum, and the experimental Tumulus Transmission Space by Toni Girones, there is much to explore.

PB/ 200pp/ Japanese, English.